We write this petition as film/TV workers and concerned citizens of Los Angeles in the wake of the Eaton, Hughes, and Palisades Fires. We were already deeply worried about the livelihoods of Los Angeles area cast and crew, not to mention the countless small businesses suffering from production moving out of state and overseas. The fires have made a desperate situation worse. We are terrified that the city we love so much may lose its most vital resource: its people. We need a flood of new work to help our beloved city rebuild itself and ensure LA's future viability as a place where craftspeople, film workers, and businesses thrive.

#StayinLA. When production stays in LA, every sector benefits: restaurants, retail, salons, hospitality, and beyond. We must restore our city's vibrant creative industry and lift the entire city of LA up in the process. Governor Newsom has already proposed increasing California's film/tv tax incentive to $750m annually, which we applaud and urge the legislature to pass without delay. But we’re at an existential moment for the city of Los Angeles – we need a targeted incentive that gives working people of LA a fighting chance to stay here.

We propose uncapping the tax incentive for productions that shoot in LA county for the next 3-years as part of the overall disaster relief effort. We urge Governor Newsom, the California State Legislature, Karen Bass, and the Los Angeles City Council to join forces – right now – and take emergency measures to help families #StayinLA by bringing back production. In addition, we call on studios and streamers to pledge at least 10% more production in LA over the next 3-years– demonstrating their dedication to the city's recovery and their long-term investment in LA's workforce.

According to CA Production Coalition, the average location shoot adds $670,000 and 1,500 jobs a day. Each dollar spent on incentivizing production to stay in California creates $24.40 in new economic activity across all local businesses, $8.60 in wages and labor income, and $16.14 in increased GDP.

There's no place like home. Add your name to this petition if you believe that when production stays in LA, the city thrives. Each signature could mean a difference in whether or not a family can afford to #StayinLA and remain a part of our beautiful community. So, sign today and share widely.

More info available HERE




CA United is a grassroots coalition of over 5,000 engaged California residents. We range from Film & TV production professionals and small business owners to blue collar employees and high level executives spanning many industries. Most importantly, we are Californians, united for a common purpose. www.caunited.org


THE UNION SOLIDARITY COALITION was founded by writer/directors who were moved to connect with crew affected by the 2023 WGA strike. Watching people honor our picket lines touched and inspired us, and presented us with a model for unity in action. Though the strike is the catalyst for creating TUSC, we feel this is just the beginning of a larger, urgent movement of solidarity between all of the industry unions, and also our coworkers who aren’t part of a union. We want to think big about how we can support each other in the face of a national labor crisis. www.tusctogether.com